Tag Archives: Chanté Moore

[New Music Tuesday] SYLEENA JOHNSON Keeps Soul Alive w/ CHAPTER 6: Couples Therapy

Yes, this R&B Diva is back and better than ever! There’s something distinctively rich about Syleena Johnson’s voice. You can tell, this thing she does with these notes are truly God’s gift. I had a chance to chat with the soul crooner last month for her private listening party, held in LA and was blown away by the passionate conviction of

CHAPTER 6: Couples Therapy.

Available Now on iTunes:  Chapter 6: Couples Therapy
Available Now on iTunes:
Chapter 6: Couples Therapy

Stemming from communication battles in her own marriage, Syleena took to the pen and pad to express the hardships and rewards of being in a committed relationship.

“My husband and I recently realized we have some communication issues…so we took to therapy last year around September, and then just recently they asked us to do Marriage Bootcamp on WeTV, so we just filmed that which was amazing for our marriage.” via AllHipHop.com. 

On the album, you’ll find a track called ‘Silence’, which is a relationship record. It’s a plea from a woman ‘s perspective, asking how to salvage it? With lyrics beginning the track…“There’s so much noise in this silence…” Mirroring the pain in the relationship.

in, “Perfectly Worthless”, Syleena takes on a character who contemplates murder and suicide. Here the couple had been together since college.  She got pregnant and gave birth to a still born . The couple’s relationship struggled because of the devastation. They decide to go see a therapist and the unthinkable happens…The husband ends up cheating with the therapist and has a baby with her…You can see the story unfold in the video above.  “It was real Kettle One, straight vodka. I really wanted to be in this character.”, says Syleena.

Syleena gets interactive @ her private listening party in LA.
Syleena gets interactive @ her private listening party in LA.

Don’t get me wrong now, Chapter 6: Couples Therapy has some sexy, sultry bangas too. How else do you think you’re going to keep that bond growing strong 🙂

“…I like little nasty songs…it comes from growing up with Prince.” The diva mentions during the right before the playback…OKAAAY!

With song like “My Love”and “Boom”, this is just in time for booed up season!!!

+“No Beginners”, featuring Willie Taylor from Day 26, was originally written for the King of Soul R. Kelly. And, trust when I say, the track isn’t missing him at all.  NO SHADE,  but Syleena had to respectfully decline, using the Sarah Palin “Thanks but no thanks”, when referring to The Astronauts deal. Stating, “Every single I had was his (Robert Kelly’s). Possibly even overshadowed by his celebrity. But, Syleena expressed that she will always love them, (R. Kelly/Wayne Williams). “However, we’re all growing and not necessarily in the same direction, nor needed for our projects to do well. “

Syleena posts me portraying one of my favorite songs from Chapter 6 on her Instagram..."MY LOVE"
Syleena posts me portraying one of my favorite songs from Chapter 6 on her Instagram…”MY LOVE”

I can’t scream it anymore…YOU HAVE TO GET THIS ALBUM NOW!!! Soul music lovers have been begging for a record like this, and now we have it! I admire Syleena’s tenacity and determination to do it on her own terms! For those of you, who didn’t know…CHAPTER 6: Couples Therapy isn’t just her 11th release, it’s her 1st Soundtrack to the MOVIE…Titled “Couples Therapy”!!! Yes indeed she’s a BOSS!!!

Check back here on where you can see it soon!!!

@ThejasmineBrand & other attendees rock out & tweet live from the LA listening party!
@ThejasmineBrand & other attendees rock out & tweet live from the LA listening party!

Order Your Copy of Chapter 6: Couples Therapy NOW!!! [Click Here]

Syleena & Lady Scribe doin it for the gram :)
Syleena & Lady Scribe doin it for the gram 🙂


@LadyScribe on #IG

@SHeReAdYeVenTs on Twitter

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Are You TOO FAT for FAME??? Kelly Price Casts NEW Reality TV Series!

Lil Mo, Kelly Price, Chanté Moore, Claudette Ortiz, Michel’le and Dawn Robinson

I can’t lie…I have no real BIG GIRL or FAT struggle, simply because I have done nothing to try to lose weight over the years. Now, with that said, it doesn’t mean I haven’t been ridiculed by others about my size…

Yes, I’ve been told, “I’m too fat for fame!“, what hurt the most was, it came from family and friends majority of the time. Yes, I have a background in Communications and Journalism, but that wasn’t all that I wanted to do. I am a POET first and foremost, but I’m also a Singer and a great Songwriter.

Now, that I’m getting older and putting efforts into living a better life and becoming a better me, I’ve asked myself hard questions, like, “Why didn’t I take my singing career to the next level?”, “What kept me from going to those auditions?”

And, it’s clear, something in me must’ve believe them, and eventually I found it easier promoting others, than myself.  It’s that simple.

Well, I had the chance of meeting Kelly Price and her husband, when Syleena Johnson debuted at RnB Live Hollywood in November of 2012. I’m talking the whole camp is cool, chic, opinionated and outright sexy!!!

Trying to stay in my lane, didn’t want my groupie to jump out  :), but I was in awe with the star power I had around me. It’s incredible w/ the new TV ONE R&B Divas L.A. hit, Kelly’s still finding time to give back w/ TOO FAT FOR FAMEWatch here to hear her story…


Enter NOW !!! Deadline July 31, 2013 !!!

Not often to you see a mega-star, stripped down, emotionally naked, given their all to you. I encourage you, to put your shame aside and submit your video now!

Be apart of something real!!!

Guess what…I think I’m going to enter too 😉

Make sure to keep up w/ Ms. Price:

@KellyPrice4Real on Twitter

Kelly Price Fans on Facebook

See you at the call backs!!!

Simply Kelly

Jah Bless! 

@Lady Scribe on IG

@SHeReAdYeVenTs on Twitter

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